

[red missed aches] asks a question about the interplay between image and caption. and how the space between them is a holding lodge for RED LETTER {X}. as in X, XX, XXX, the eyes of the dead. the mark of the incorrect, crux & cross, etc. but red.

here is the glow of RED LETTER {X}.

RED LETTER {X} is where caption sutured image and found pleasure, but virtually.
RED LETTER {X} is the shut eye of a "luminous genitalia"
RED LETTER {X} simultaneously guides and repels-- the way reading poetry, reading anything at all signals outward and inward. forces the body to look there {X} but not really there at all,meaning is virtual.
RED LETTER {X} is "obvious, banal, repeated a thousand times, yet almost always silent"
RED LETTER {X} is like Kate Durbin's O

in the future, our genitals will be larger and incandescent. the light like RED LETTER {X}, but virtual.
in the future, our young will be born rays of light and be fed directly into the TV.
our bodies will secrete text spontaneously, but virtually.
everything clinging to RED LETTER {X} like the seeming inter-phase between meaning and pleasure.


--Bhanu Kapil on Camille Roy's Sherwood Forest
--Foucault's This is Not a Pipe