I did not bring a book.
I had stack of papers explaining what I needed to do to get my replacement card, my wallet, my passport, my phone and a pen.
Cell phones must be turned off: XXX
I stared at the screen telling me how to get my social security benefits. I listened to some other people. I thought about a dream I had where I am always mad at you because you ignore me and then when I get upset you don't get upset and sometimes I hit your arms and this one time you got on your bike and rode away even though I ran after you screaming your name. I think I said please, too, but I don't remember very well. Only that I was sad and you were on a blue bike wearing a red sweater.

I looked at the numbers: still 2 til me.
I looked at my lap.
I realized I had a pen and paper but nothing hard to write on.